
A secret new Chromecast wound up on the shelves at a random Best Buy, apparently

Elon Musk has to pay $20 million to settle with the S.E.C.

Brett Kavanaugh draws a sharp rebuke from 'The Twilight Zone' family

Asexual, all-female termite societies exist in Japan and are they taking applications?

Korn — yes, the metal band — now sells a branded 'Korn Koffee'

Sherlock Holmes' doofy side comes out in the 'Holmes and Watson' trailer

The hearing's over, but people still aren't buying Kavanaugh's discredited argument

Even the Doctor is surprised to find out she's a woman in new 'Doctor Who' clip

'Minecraft: Dungeons' is a brand new game that's unlike the 'Minecraft' you know

Facebook already hit with a lawsuit tied to the latest data breach

Here's the biggest pumpkin in U.S. history because we all need something nice

Samuel L. Jackson responds to viral mashup of Kavanaugh testimony and 'Pulp Fiction' scenes