New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: It's 2022. Where should I direct the youths to learn about programming?

Ask HN: It's 2022. Where should I direct the youths to learn about programming?
29 by slyrus | 35 comments on Hacker News.
So... Child #2 (18 yo) is interested in learning programming. Good "with computers" and proficient in level-appropriate math but didn't grow up as a hacker like his old man (I'll refrain from making him learn turtle graphics and BASIC). Where should I point the kid to learn the basics? I'm afraid that if I show him how to download (or, better yet, build) emacs, how to build SBCL, install SLIME, etc... and hand the kid copies of SICL and PCL someone will call child protective services on me. I imagine there was a time when the answer would have been java/awt, but those days seem long gone. Maybe there was a let's do it all in javascript phase, but that doesn't seem to be the answer today. So... modern starter pack? VS Code and Python? Tell him to learn Pandas/SciPy/NumPy? Are there any highly recommended online courses for learning this stuff?
