The family at the heart of the Insidious franchise is back for one last go at solving their supernatural problems. In Insidious: The Red Door, Dalton (Ty Simpkins) is all grown up and going to college. But there's a terrifying threat looming on campus, and it isn't a frat party. (Though the idea of Marcia from Succession as an art professor is scary!)
Set 10 years after the first Insidious, demons new and old are back to haunt the Lambert family, forcing them to go to unprecedented lengths to process their past — and perhaps break a generational curse along the way. Alongside Ty Simpkins, Rose Byrne and Patrick Wilson (making his directorial debut) are also returning for this final, epic face-off.
Insidious: The Red Door premieres in theaters on July 7.
from Mashable
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